Figeľ: Pri zodpovednom chápaní nie je život a sloboda človeka v konflikte
Na pôde španielskeho Kongresu v Madride (na obrázku vľavo) sa dnes (3. 6. 2014) a zajtra koná medzinárodná konferencia pod názvom Právo na život. Konferencie sa zúčastnia politici a predstavitelia 16 krajín, ako aj experti na medzinárodné právo a bioetiku.
Cieľom konferencie je hľadať aktuálne odpovede a nástroje pre spoluprácu v záujme podpory a ochrany univerzálnych ľudských práv a základných slobôd, zvlášť hodnoty života a rodiny.
Aktuálne sa španielska vláda ľudovcov Mariana Rajoya usiluje zmeniť mnohé opatrenia, ktoré v predchádzajúcich obdobiach prijala socialistická vláda premiéra Zapatera. A práve tomuto zámeru je venovaná aj medzinárodná spolupráca a komunikácia. Viac na
(na fotografii vpravo: Ján Figeľ, španielsky senátor Luis Peral a poslanec EP za KDH Miroslav Mikolášik)
Deklarácia prijatá účastníkmi konferencie v anglickom jazyku:
We, Parliamentarians taking part at the International Pro-Life Seminar, held in Madrid on the 3 and 4 of July, 2014, assume the following Declaration:
ONE.- We all acknowledge that scientific advances enable us to objectively know about the development of a human being from the moment of conception; and we understand that the time of fertilization is the “Life’s Big-Bang”, from which a unique and unrepeatable genetic identity is set up and remains unalterable to time and the ongoing, gradual and dynamic process of life.
TWO.- Wedeclare that women are providers of life, what we expressly recognize; as well as we claim real and effective support to their right to safe motherhood. Motherhood and their children’s sake must be backed by society, institutions and public authorities as a whole.
THREE.- We claim that strong defense for life from the moment of conception has to be a core goal in every action of lawmakers and government leaders all over the world. The inherent dignity of each person, the mere fact of belonging to our species, makes every human life a dignified life which must be protected; especially those who are conceived and yet unborn and also those who are the weakest to protect themselves, due to any disability or illness.
FOUR.- We state that the defense of human life is, therefore, a right. Furthermore, it is the fundamental right underpinning all other rights. It cannot be put off because of an alleged collision of rights, because absent the right to life, there can be no other right.
FIVE.- We consider that the rule of law must recognize and legally protect the value of human life and that the effective enforcement of this right must be ensured.
SIX.- We also acknowledge that scientific advances, especially in the biomedicine field, offer multiple solutions for most of the problems a complicated pregnancy can cause. Considering those who are conceived and yet unborn as patients who deserve full access to medical care is an inalienable aspiration of our society.
SEVEN.-For those who are conceived and yet unborn, we claim the right of their parents to be provided with optional palliative care at the Public Healthcare System, upon the occurrence of any fetal malformations or diseases.
EIGHT.-We support the initiative the Government of Spain has taken to submit the draft of an since it turns out to be a good initiative on what science proves: that human life, worthy of being protected, begins at conception.
NINE.-We are committed to promoting parliamentary networks to support legislative, social and programmatic initiatives in favor of life and motherhood.
TEN.- We advocate that nothing is more progressive than the defense of human life, especially on behalf of the weak and defenseless.